========== 2010-09-21 ========== This is the agenda and summary for the weekly Zope developer meeting of Tuesday, 2010-09-21 on #zope@irc.freenode.org from 15:00 to 15:30 UTC. Summary ======= The IRC log is available here: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs-zope/%23zope.2010-09-21.log.html#t2010-09-21T18:00:27 Attendees --------- Charlie Clark, Adam Groszer, Christian Theune, Hanno Schlichting, Fred Drake, Post-summit thoughts -------------------- Charlie thanked Christian for the organization of the [gocept] party, Zope summit and DZUG conference. Hanno noted that he shared his thoughts with the rest of Jarn. Publicly they're happy to have not used Zope 3 and grok but find Plone and repoze.bfg being good choices as their "platforms". Christian reported that he started an experiment together with Wolfgang to take what we have with the ZCA and apply this and other patterns (specifically the "Ports and adapters" pattern) to form a set of procedures and software to help developers to better model their applications and stay flexible with the technical environment their application lives in. The summit also produced a couple of specific smaller goals that people signed up for dealing with in the near future. They are listed in the wiki page: http://wiki.zope.org/ztk/ZopeSummit2010Summary Bug day organization -------------------- The next bug day will be 2010-09-29 and was announced on the list by mail during the meeting. Meta ---- Charlie noticed that this meeting was unstructured but we still got good discussions out of it. The defined time-slot seems to help. Going forward we need to deal with the outcome of the summit. Christian noted that he feels uncomfortable just randomly picking topics. As long as nobody complains the choices are probably fine, though. As the reminders get dropped every now and then the goal for sending them out is moved to Friday: giving people more time to think about the agenda and Christian more time to procrastinate but still make it ... ;) Agenda ====== - Post-summit thoughts - Bug day organization - Meta Ongoing issues -------------- Those issues are currently ongoing. We don't have to discuss them. We just need to follow up on them eventually. - Meta - Review meeting itself, maybe add extra 15 minutes for "meta" once a month or every two months? (postponed until 2010-06-01) - How to organize open issues in the long run (Blueprints? Other tool? Continue text files?) - Test runners / nightly builds - Supporting Python 2.7 - Needs help from the buildbots - Windows - Compiler licenses (Tres, postponed until after 2010-06-14) - Build bot organization - Bug day organization - Documentation - Consolidate "floating" documentation into Sphinx/docs.zope.org - Write blueprint for the consolidation effort (Theuni) see https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/zopetoolkit-project/+spec/consolidate-documentation - Find candidate links and gather them centrally - Edit/update the documentation from the link list and land in Sphinx-style during a sprint - Turn ZTK package documentation into sphinx style (like zope.event) - write bug and assign to toolkit projects (Theuni) - Unified index? - Releases - How to find a good point when to cut a new release for a package for which fixed bugs where registered (or changes have been made)? Any automation possible to alert us when changes have been sitting around unreleased for a while? Topic proposals --------------- - Chris McDonough: Pondering *some* (re-)structuring of the ZTK to allow for better maintenance/release management/communication/marketing. - Christian Theune: I'd like us to ponder how we can (in addition to the housekeeping and cleanups we do) also move to do constructive work together to expand the stuff that Zope packages (ZTK) is about. How do we go about implementing new technologies together, like supporting HTML 5 in the various parts? I'd like to start putting in new code in the foreseeable future in the zope.* namespace.