========== 2010-05-25 ========== This is the agenda and summary for the weekly Zope developer meeting of Tuesday, 2010-05-25 on #zope@irc.freenode.org from 15:00 to 15:30 UTC. Agenda ====== - Windows builds - AMI (Sidnei, Adam) - Amazon funding (Adam, Christian Theune) - KGS 3.4.1 release - Document release procedure (Adam) - Index view for download.zope.org - Review Bugday, plan next Ongoing issues -------------- Those issues are currently ongoing. We don't have to discuss them. We just need to follow up on them eventually. - ZTK status - Towards a ZTK release - Documentation - Release scope - Test runners / nightly builds - Windows machines - Compiler licenses (Tres, postponed until after 2010-06-02) - Bug tracking - Monitoring tracker status (Charlie Clark, ctheune) - Documentation - Consolidate "floating" documentation into Sphinx/docs.zope.org - Releases - How to find a good point when to cut a new release for a package for which fixed bugs where registered (or changes have been made)? Any automation possible to alert us when changes have been sitting around unreleased for a while? - Metrics for bug days - Find a way to demonstrate what/how much work happened on a bug day. - Meta - Review meeting itself, maybe add extra 15 minutes for "meta" once a month or every two months? (postponed until 2010-06-01) - How to organize open issues in the long run (Blueprints? Other tool? Continue text files?) - Find second person to run the weekly meetings Topic proposals --------------- - Lennart: Of course what applies to Hanno should apply to others making releases of packages maintained by the Zope Toolkit project as well. I think the ZTK leadership should figure out some kind of guidelines for this that people can follow. - Chris McDonough: Pondering *some* (re-)structuring of the ZTK to allow for better maintenance/release management/communication/marketing. - Christian Theune: I'd like us to ponder how we can (in addition to the housekeeping and cleanups we do) also move to do constructive work together to expand the stuff that Zope packages (ZTK) is about. How do we go about implementing new technologies together, like supporting HTML 5 in the various parts? I'd like to start putting in new code in the foreseeable future in the zope.* namespace. Summary ======= The IRC log is available here: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs-zope/%23zope.2010-05-25.log.html#t2010-05-25T18:00:25 Windows builds -------------- Adam didn't manage to look into the AMIs due to illness. He did draft an initial proposal that he started discussed with Christian Theune to get funding for a hosted windows build machine from the foundation. However, Amazon might not be the right choice due to the high cost associated with 64-bit machines. Rackspace's Windows VMs seem to be a viable alternative and will be investigated by Adam. Adam and Christian will write a proposal to present at the next board meeting on 2010-06-02 that: - includes a trial period ( funding for 1-2 months to set everything up and make sure it does what we need) - subsequent cost after the trial period - ensures control over the machine is available to the foundation but can be handed over to individual community members easily An open question is whether 64-bit Windows installations allow installing the build chains for 32-bit and 64-bit in parallel. (Adam to ask Sidnei for input) KGS 3.4.1 release ----------------- The KGS release is going to have a release candidate as soon as Adam gets to it. He noted that actual .tar and .exe releases will be made on request (the option will be stated in the release notes). In an earlier meeting Adam wanted to write documentation about the release process but pointed out that there's already sufficient documentation in zope.release that helped him make the releases. Additional baijum and srichter pointed out resources (http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/DeveloperInfo#release-management and http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/MakingARelease) that are related to this. Tres noted that we might put a new item on our list: generally consolidating the documentation floating around into the Sphinx documentation we have on docs.zope.org. Bugday review ------------- Individual reports: - Adam investigated Azure for building packages instead of using Amazon but that turned out to be a dead end. Azure is more like GAE than rented virtual machines. - Christian Theune worked on emptying out the Zope 3 bugtracker and fixed some bugs along the way. There's 25 bugs left in the tracker now. - Jens Vagelpohl worked on Zope 2 bugs and hit a dozen. - Tres landed a patch from bzr and made releases of packages in the aftermath. - Baijum wrote a few test cases for zope.mkzeoinstance. Christian Theune noted that we should ponder how to establish a rule for releasing packages after bugs were fixed without making individual releases for every change. Having releases shortly after a bug day (like Tres did) seems reasonable. We also would like to have some metrics that show what happened on a bug day. Various options were raised: - note bugs that have been worked on in the wiki - tag bugs with a unique tag - use a query in LP for "everything that changed on day X" The next bug day will be agreed upon with an open doodle to the Zope developers list, Christian will invite for the week that includes 2010-06-15.